JOGJA - DIY, including areas with the potential market for cars product. Market characteristics of the education city is no longer enough simply to buy their car to functional needs. But have led to the lifestyle. I wonder if many of the latest car variants launched by brand holders. It's also get good response from the market. "Characteristics of the residents have started to shift towards lifestyle. Indicates we can see, malls, shopping centers, often on got for it. This market is a target operation for the latest pick up product from the Mitsubishi Strada Triton exceed. Mitsubishi optimistic able to meet the sales target up to 10,000 units for all variants of Strada Triton, "said Head Group of Sales and Marketing Group Coordination Office Marketing Division of PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors, Duljatmono to the reporters. In fact, the market share of Mitsubishi Strada Triton product at the first semester of this year reached 58.4 percent. Since the first variant Mitsubishi Strada was launched at 2005 a go, the company is able to release 3,500 units per year. While at year 2006 to increase into 4500 units and 2007 reached 5,500 units. In 2008, his side target the turnover of car variants Strada triton all types of Mitsubishi can touch the level of 10,000 units. "Until the calculation of the first semester yesterday, have reached above 4,500 units. Meanwhile, on July, is likely above 5,000 units. So we optimis, the sales target on this year can be reach. Moreover, the absorption of the market to see if the products Strada Triton during this relatively good, "said Duljatmono who accompanied the President Director of PT Borobudur Oto Mobil Umar Dani and Branch Manager of PT Borobudur Oto Mobil Rifqi Fuad during the launching of latest products Mitsubishi Strada Triton Exceed in the Ambarrukmo hotel parking area. Meanwhile, submitted by Umar Dani, After launch of the Strada Triton on May a go, sales have to indent. "Demand is too high, while the supply of products is very limited. For Yogyakarta-Central Java, the target product of the absorption of the latest variants of the Strada Triton is around 15-20 units. We own so overwhelmed to serv demand from constumers," said Umar Dani. It's proves that Mitsubishi is still popular product among costumers.
Source: http://www.bernas.co.id