PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian (KTB), Single Agent holders Mitsubishi brand will be lobbying the government for Indonesia's products include electric car I-Miev as the company attempts to open the new car market with the latest technology, national.
According to the Director of KTB Fumio Kuwayama Arena in Pekan Raya Jakarta, Sunday (2 / 11), currently the party prepare to enter the product I-Miev to Indonesia.
He added, the product of I-Miev will be launched in Japan in July 2009 future, was launched in 2010 to a European future and will get subsidies from the Japanese government for the purchase of one unit each. The Japanese Government will fund approximately one million yen.
"For these subsidies Japanese car I-Miev will be marketed with a price below the three million yen (around Rp300 million) per unit," said Fumio.
I-Miev Business Manajement Officer Mitsubishi Motor Corperation (Jepang) Takayaki Yatabe menambahkan, dalam tahap awal produk ini akan diproduksi sebanyak 2.000 unit.
Amount will be sold to the Japanese market with a request to see further development. "We (Mitsubishi) has been working with the manufacturer Yuasa (producers
batteries) to build the factory as a major supplier of batteries I-Miev product, "says Yatabe.
It is said, this factory able to produce batteries to supply the needs of I-Miev 200,000 units per year, however, when asked the value of investments that have been issued, it was reluctant to answer.
Source : http://mediaindonesia.com/
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